Thursday, 23 January 2014

What if you just want Microsoft SharePoint online

After our previous post on Microsoft Office 2013 Vs Microsoft Office 365.

Some people just interested in Microsoft SharePoint online Plan, which have internet (Public website),intranet (Staff only) and extranet ( supplier and agent ) website and have potential to upgrade if they want to used "Self Services Business Intelligence" later. They are asking whether they able to keep their Microsoft Office without upgrade but just subscripted to Microsoft SharePoint Plan only.

People do not want to buy expensive Microsoft sharepoint server but just want a cloud base services come with cheaper yearly rate.

After checking on Microsoft website. I find that it is available to just subscripted to Microsoft SharePoint plan without subscripted/upgrade to Microsoft Office 365. However, you must make sure your Microsoft Office is genuine/properly license and not a piracy software. If is also advisable to have latest version of Internet Explorer before subscripted to Microsoft Sharepoint Plan. However, both plan do not have free trial. You have to get Microsoft Small Business Premium if you want to free trial. However, we are not sure whether your data uploaded during free trial able to switch to Microsoft SharePoint plan or not?

There is two plan:

 Microsoft SharePoint Online Plan 1 : SharePoint without Self Services Business Intelligence. Only a portal with Intranet, extranet and internet. You no longer required to pay for webhosting. You just need to pay for your Domain Name.

Microsoft SharePoint Online Plan 2 : Self Services Business Intelligence available. However, no Scorecards & Dashboards available (Only server available) . However, Visio Services available on plan 2 which we can configure and become "Self Services" Business Intelligence.

Visio & SharePoint Online developed Business Intelligence  


We have configured a custom collection of Microsoft Online Services especially for you:

SharePoint Online Plan 1 with Yammar :
This purchase offer includes:
- 1 user licenses SharePoint Online (Plan 1) with Yammer
USD48.00 per user per year (excluding Sales tax and GST, if any)

This is still lower than your normal hosting packages. Usually, hosting packages in Malaysia start with minimum RM199.00 per year.

SharePoint Online Plan 2 with Yammar :
We have configured a custom collection of Microsoft Online Services especially for you.
SharePoint Online Plan 2 with Yammar :
This purchase offer includes:
- 1 user licenses SharePoint Online (Plan 2) with Yammer
USD96.00 per user per year (excluding Sales tax and GST, if any)

This is significantly lower than buying a Microsoft Sharepoint server yourself.

Some people also do not want Yammar but just want sharepoint online only

GoToMeeting Free Trial

SharePoint Online Plan 1 :
We have configured a custom collection of Microsoft Online Services especially for you.
SharePoint Online Plan 1:
This purchase offer includes:
- 1 user licenses SharePoint Online (Plan 1)
USD36.00 per user per year (excluding Sales tax and GST, if any)

This is still lower than your normal hosting packages. Usually, hosting packages in Malaysia start with minimum RM199.00 per year.

SharePoint Online Plan 2 :
We have configured a custom collection of Microsoft Online Services especially for you.
SharePoint Online Plan 2:
This purchase offer includes:
- 1 user licenses SharePoint Online (Plan 2)
USD84.00  per user per year (excluding Sales tax and GST, if any)

This is significantly lower than buying a Microsoft SharePoint Server yourself.

We just discover that there is Office WebApps with share point. this is like Office 365 Small Business Premium with Microsoft Office like Word, Excel,etc  for you to share those document among your co-worker for project. However, this is excluding other Office 365 small business premium like Lync Online. However, the price is lower than Office 365 Small Business Premium despite higher than above 4 packages :

Office Web Apps with SharePoint Plan 1 
We, Arbirage Sdn Bhd has configured a custom collection of Microsoft Online Services especially for you.
Office Web Apps with SharePoint Plan 1
This purchase offer includes:
- 1 user licenses Office Web Apps with SharePoint Plan 1
USD60.00 per user per year (excluding Sales Tax and GST, if any)

Office Web Apps with SharePoint Plan 2 
We, Arbirage Sdn Bhd has configured a custom collection of Microsoft Online Services especially for you.
Office Web Apps with SharePoint Plan 1
This purchase offer includes:
- 1 user licenses Office Web Apps with SharePoint Plan 2
USD108.00 per user per year (excluding Sales Tax and GST, if any)

Price in USD currency only. Please send email to Arbirage @ indicate your location if you want offer in your local currency. Buyer in Malaysia can order via, or if you do not want to send email but want to order in RM

Trial Microsoft sharepoint on Microsoft Office 365

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Upgrade to Microsoft Office 2013 or subscription to Microsoft Office 365?

I see many people still order Microsoft Office 2010 on (Malaysia version of eBay). Actually Microsoft have launch Office 2013 and a cloud base Microsoft 365.

Office 2013 is successor to Office 2010,includes user interfaces update and support for touch and more format.

Office 2013 Vs Office 365.

The Office 2013 software is licensed to one computer for the life of that computer and is not transferable.

However, 1 License can install Office 365 Small Business Premium on up to 5 PC or Mac (see “Office 365 for Mac” section below). The license is transferable from one device to another device.

Office 2013 is for PC only and does not get other Office 365 feature like extra free 20GB Skydrive Pro storage, Office on Demand,multiple language access, ongoing upgrades.

Office 365 is cloud base application host by Microsoft. subscriber no need to worry about upgrade every few years

Office 365 Small Office Premium is cloud services and you can work at any way.

Office 365 was designed to be easy enough for small businesses to run without specialized IT knowledge.

You can save your file into the cloud and synchronize it with your other device (laptop).  You can continue with where you left off on a document on multiple device. Edit,review, save your work wherever you are.

Office 365 was designed to be easy enough for small businesses to run without specialized IT knowledge.

Office on demand allows you stream full versions of Office application to any internet connected PC that don't have Office installed. Example, a PC in the library or laptop. Once you close the software. there are no longer available to other users of that PC. You are optional whether to have your Office application on your laptop so that your laptop can load faster. Alternatively, you can take advantage of 5PC per person.

You can extra 20GB SkyDrive Pro storage (on top of free 5GB).

Get desktop versions of:

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher, Lync  Microsoft Sharepoint

If you have multiple computers (PC and Mac) and multiple user at office, have plan to change your computer in the next few years, It is advisable you choose Office 365 over Office 2013. You can have latest Office version on up to 5 computers (Office, home,Mac,PC) and Office on Demand on any internet connected PC.

Notes for Mac users
Though Office 365 is for both PC and Mac, the Mac users actually still get the few years old Office for Mac 2011 while waiting for the new Office for Mac.

Current Office for Mac 2011 users must uninstall the software first when sign up for Office 365. Then install Office for Mac 2011 again through your Office 365 account.

Also, Office on Demand does not support Mac.

Improved Collaboration 
With Office 365, your small business can create a password-protected portal to share large, hard to email files both inside and outside of the organization, giving people a single location to find the latest versions of files or documents, no matter how many colleagues are working on them.

Public website (internet ) plus intranet (staff only) and extranet (supplier or agent only)), no need to pay another hosting fee unless you need extra storage

SharePoint Online :-.

 SharePoint sites provide workspaces with customizable security settings for individual teams within the organization. sharepoint not available on Office 2013.

Manage and share important documents to keep teams in sync

Work together more easily by giving partners access to the business information they need.

Maintain a professional looking public website with easy-to-use template.

Access documents in SharePoint from mobile device.

Publish Microsoft access database to SharePoint Online using Access Services.

Easily schedule meeting by sharing calendars and viewing them side-by side to see others availability and suggest,

Lync Online
=========== .
Find and connect with colleagues and customers from virtually anywhere through rich presence, IM, audio/video calls, and online meetings.

Make PC-to PC voice and video calls.

Conduct rich online meetings-including audio, video, and web conferencing - with people both inside and outside of your organization.

Share the desktop, online whiteboards, and presentations with colleagues and partners.

Update : How to choose new Microsoft Office 365 plan

Next : What if you only want Microsoft SharePoint but don't want other Office packages

Update : How to choose new Microsoft Office 365 plan

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Malaysia's retail sector saw sluggish 3.1% Q3 sales growth 马零售调查行:今年零售业料增长6%

“The Ramadan month and Hari Raya during the third quarter did not lift the overall retail sales and only retailers selling festive goods enjoyed better sales,” said RGM managing director Tan Hai Hsin
“The Ramadan month and Hari Raya during the third quarter did not lift the overall retail sales and only retailers selling festive goods enjoyed better sales,” said RGM managing director Tan Hai Hsin

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s retail industry recorded a sluggish sales growth of 3.1% in the third quarter of last year compared with 4.8% in 2012, according to a report by Retail Group Malaysia (RGM).

The drop was the lowest sales growth since the fourth quarter of 2009 when it went up by 3%.
“The Ramadan month and Hari Raya during the third quarter did not lift the overall retail sales and only retailers selling festive goods enjoyed better sales,” RGM managing director Tan Hai Hsin said in the latest Malaysia Retail Industry Report.

He also added that Bank Negara had implemented new policies on bank borrowing to control household debt in July 2013.

“Personal loans are available only for up to 10 years instead of 25 years, which should have affected sales of big-ticket items including furniture and electrical & electronics (E&E) goods.

“During this period, many retailers continued to offer steep discounts and very attractive offers to attract shoppers. Once again, their bottom line was severely affected,” he said.

Tan said the 3.1% growth in the third quarter of 2013 was 70% lower than the earlier 10.5% estimate by the Malaysia Retailers Association (MRA) retailers compiled in September last year, as well as 52% lower than the estimated 6.5% given by RGM in the same period.

Going forward, Tan said the MRA retailers expected a 4.2% increase in their businesses during the fourth quarter of 2013.

He said the expected slower growth in supermarket and hypermarket, furniture, E&E as well as personal care led to a lower overall estimate.

The department store cum supermarket operators expect to maintain their growth rate at 8.9% for the fourth quarter of 2013.

“Department store operators hope for a major turnaround with a positive growth of 9.4% for the last quarter of 2013.”

Tan said RGM was maintaining its 6% growth rate for the Malaysia retail industry in 2014 despite the “tsunami of price hikes” in recent months.

“A review on the growth rate will only be carried out after all the market changes have taken place. Cost of living of the average Malaysian has been rising since the last quarter of 2013 and the increment will be even more apparent in the first six months of this year.

Tan said Visit Malaysia Year 2014 would bring m many retailers continued to offer steep discounts any retailers continued to offer steep discounts more sales to retailers located in major city centres and popular tourist attractions in Malaysia.


(吉隆坡15日讯)今年百物价格料因电费、大道收费上扬等因素带动而纷纷攀升,但独立零售研究机构———马零售调查行(Retail Group Malaysia),则维持大马零售领域今年6%的增长率目标,比2013年4.9%的预测高。















Friday, 10 January 2014

寶雅國際選擇 Microsoft 平台快速導入商業智慧解決方案,从四家門市到全省 15 家分店

從台南發跡,以「高品質、低價位」策略成功地切入連鎖通路市場,於2002 年 九月六日正式在櫃買中心掛牌的「寶雅國際」,以僅一億六千萬的資本額,在國內經濟持續不景氣的情況下,2001 年創造了十九億九千萬的營收,更創下的該公司成立以來最佳的稅後盈餘新台幣六千七百萬元。相較於前一年不但翻了一番,逆勢成長了 113%,更較五年前 (稅後淨利估一百零五萬元) 翻了 60 倍,一舉擠進天下雜誌評選國內百貨零售業者的前 40 名。 





究竟寶雅擁有了什麼秘密武器讓營收能夠如此地快速成長?又能創造 EPS (每股稅後盈餘) 4.1 元的成績?「簡單地說,就是讓寶雅徹底地電腦化」,總經理陳宗成很肯定地說。


事實上,民國八十三年,寶雅就已經有簡單的電腦化作業,只不過當時都把重點放在 POS (進貨銷貨庫存) 系統上,由於開發環境還是最早期的 DOS 系統,因此不管在資料庫管理與資料傳輸速度上效率都很不好。

加上早期寶雅的 POS 系統設計是模仿頂好超商,後來發現,超市商品多半以民生用品為主,產品週期常態穩定,且同一種類商品的進貨品牌至多不超過十種;寶雅不但有三分之二屬於流行性商品,光是保養品品牌就超過 20 種,其中還要依使用部位及功能來進行分類,傳統超市的進銷存系統根本無法負荷。

從民國八十七年,適逢千禧年 (Y2K) 的電腦危機,在飛雅高科技的協助下,寶雅開始進行大規模的會員資料庫與 POS 系統的改建,讓它擺脫過去雜貨舖格局,重新邁向新里程。


「由於寶雅完整的 POS 系統加上客戶資料庫,讓它維持高度的商品週轉率,而並非僅以低價取勝,在週轉率高的情況下,進出貨之間的營業額就可以衝大,再進一步提高採購優勢,這等於是以庫存手法來提高競爭力,正是良性循環的精髓」,替寶雅進行多年電腦化的飛雅高科技產品經理李秀沛表示。


但上述的成功並不代表寶雅已經滿足於現況,配合上櫃後繼續成長的步伐,陳宗成自今年開始又開始進行下一步的商業智慧 (Business Intelligence;簡稱 BI) 導入工程。


例如,過去電腦化系統可以提供的進銷存資料都比較固定,若是要細部去評估單品的利潤或週轉率時,都必須經過進一步的程式改寫,或是把 POS 系統的資料調出由人工另行利用試算表去計算後,獲得所需的決策資訊。就以女性保養品來說好了,如果要了解歐蕾與旁氏兩者在台北信義店的單品週轉率,只要在信義店的資料庫查詢計算就好,但若要把信義店與中和店相比時,又得把中和店的資料庫給調出來重新計算一次,只要決策的條件不同,資訊人員就必須耗費半天到一天的時間進行程式的修改。

為了徹底解決這種重複資料統計分析的問題,飛雅高科技在今年代理了美國 ProClarity 的商業智慧系統,在微軟的 SQL Server 2000 資料庫上建立寶雅最新的商業決策支援系統。
這套軟體是目前市面上最超值的商業智慧解決方案,相對於過去建立商業智慧系統動輒上千萬台幣的投資,又得僱用不少程式設計人員相比,SQL Server 2000 加上 ProClarity 的組合在最低的成本下滿足了寶雅的需求。


這個全新的資料庫與過去寶雅所用的資料庫完全分離,它是用 SQL Server 2000 所設計,並以分析服務工具 (Analysis Services) 來開發多維度資料庫。複雜的程式語言與彙整處理 (Aggregation) 已經從 T-SQL (Transact-SQL) 語言轉換到一個全新並強大的程式語言,一種稱之為多維度運算式 (MDX;Multi-Dimensional Extensions) 的語言中。

這種運算式可以讓寶雅可以利用 OLAP (線上分析處理技術) 多維度資料庫 (Cubs) 進行複雜的查詢 (Cubs 是由各種維度的資料所組成的資料庫)。而多維資料運算式 (MDX) 可以使用者在短短的數秒鐘內取得複雜的運算結果。

「在微軟 SQL Server 2000 與 ProClarity 兩項資訊工具完整的結合下,過去許要半天到一天才能取得的決策分析資料,現在只要重新定義幾個參數,在幾秒鐘之內就可以呈現在我們的面前」,陳啟仁十分興奮地說。

過去包括業務部門與各單位主管們對於資訊人員的依賴度,在導入新的 BI 工具之後,已經降低許多,因為 ProClarity 操作介面就跟 Web 畫面一樣,使用起來相當容易,使用者只要點選他們所需的條件,ProClarity 就能結合 SQL Server 2000 高效能的 OLAP 資料庫進行的查詢,用不著再像過去一樣,每次都要找資訊人員幫忙寫程式才能得到他們想要的資料。

而且對於決策主管來說,過去所看的資料都是非常被動的,在 ProClarity 的 BI 系統內,只要事先提供所需要查詢的參數條件,它可以定時就提供主管所需的所有決策資訊,讓公司的決策由被動化為主動。


在飛雅高科技運用微軟 SQL Server 2000 與 ProClarity 所建置的商業決策支援系統協助下,寶雅能夠更進一步地了解每家店,每項單品的銷售貢獻度,讓一些滯銷商品進行流通,降低庫存的風險;同時也能了解整個商圈的消費模式,對於新品的採購有了精準的計算。

接下來,寶雅將進一步規劃把他們引以為傲的會員客戶資料庫全面導入資料採擷 (Data Mining) 系統,把每個客戶的購買特性分析跟採用 ProClarity 所做出行銷決策系統結合,準確地運用 DM、電話行銷的模式刺激每個客戶的採購慾望,開創更高的銷售成績。

另外,隨著展店步伐越來越快,過去使用分散式的資料庫模式,不但通訊成本相當高,也讓資訊決策上顯得緩慢,因此寶雅正計劃也將把舊有資料庫轉為 Internet/Intranet 整合的集中式資料庫架構,讓未來上游供應商的供應鏈管理系統得以串聯,增加寶雅的核心競爭力。

微軟 Bizspark 校友

 读者一定发现微軟 Bizspark 校友的标志在我们的右边侧栏.我们已经完成微軟 Bizspark 校友的3年创业旅程成为微軟 Bizspark 校友,虽然我们不是开始从事创意多媒体,新媒体,E-内容等等

我们已经成为微軟云端合作夥伴 ( Essentials Programme ). 微軟云端運算产品微軟Office 365包括 微軟Share Point. 

微軟的Office 365和Google的Google app無論在大小企業客戶、電子郵件管理、行事曆、辦公應用軟體、協同合作及生產力工具等公開的雲端服務,皆處於激烈的競爭狀態。


使用Visio及SharePoint Online開發進階的視覺化商業智慧圖表  

如果想收到免费试用邀请. 可以将你的电邮送至 Abirage @ .其他商業智慧及SharePoint资料会在下一次发表.

微軟於Office 365中嵌入Power BI商業智慧分析工具

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Microsoft Bizspark Alumni 微軟 Bizspark 校友

 Reader must discover that we have a Microsoft Bizspark Alumni logo on our right hand sidebar. Yes, we have completed 3 years Microsoft Bizspark programme and become Alumni of Microsoft Bizspark on 27 Oct 2013. Despite we are not in creative Multimedia & New Media E-Content industry when we first joint Microsoft Bizspark programme.

We become Microsoft online services partner under Microsoft Cloud Essentials Programme from 31 Dec 2013. Microsoft cloud product Microsoft Office 365 included Microsoft Sharepoint Server for self services Business intelligence. Microsoft Office 365 included Microsoft Office, which people can use Google free packages. However, what unique of Microsoft Office 365 is Microsoft Sharepoint Online. It would cause a bomb to pocket of SME and even medium size company if you want to use Microsoft SharePoint server 2010.

 However, Microsoft sharepoint now available on the cloud and even small company can afford to use self services Business Intelligence. Further, user no longer required to constantly upgrade Microsoft Office  as you are on the cloud.

We will blog about Microsoft  Sharepoint and business intelligence on this blog in our next post. Those who want to received free trial invitation for Microsoft Office 365 and the following can send your email address to Arbirage @ :


微軟 Bizspark 校友

 读者一定发现微軟 Bizspark 校友的标志在我们的右边侧栏.我们已经完成微軟 Bizspark 校友的3年创业旅程成为微軟 Bizspark 校友,虽然我们不是开始从事创意多媒体,新媒体,E-内容等等

我们已经成为微軟云端合作夥伴 ( Essentials Programme ). 微軟云端運算产品微軟Office 365包括 微軟Share Point

微軟的Office 365和Google的Google app無論在大小企業客戶、電子郵件管理、行事曆、辦公應用軟體、協同合作及生產力工具等公開的雲端服務,皆處於激烈的競爭狀態。


使用Visio及SharePoint Online開發進階的視覺化商業智慧圖表  

如果想收到免费试用邀请. 可以将你的电邮送至 Abirage @ .其他商業智慧及SharePoint资料会在下一次发表.